Wipe Out Cleaner And Sanitiser – Food Grade Formulated


Spray and Wipe Food Grade Sanitiser

  • AQIS Approved
  • HACCP Certified
  • All Purpose Spray and Wipe
  • Biodegradable
  • Septic Safe
  • Controls Germs
  • Food Grade

Wipe Out is a multi-faceted food grade sanitiser formulated to provide excellent bactericidal properties especially aimed at pathenogenic food origin bacteria eg. E-coli and salmonella.

Wipe Out will not contaminate food areas.

As a spray and wipe: Dilute up to 3 volumes of clean water.

Spray as droplets to completely wet the surface to be cleaned and allow to act if necessary.

Wipe clean with a clean cloth, sponge, paper towel or squeegee.

Use with care on paintwork and old surfaces.

Wipe off immediately.


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

5L, 20L

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